Monday, February 15, 2010

Blogging works....

For those of you who want to get a message out there, blogging is a great way to do so.  I never even considered it until a few weeks back when some well-respected peers of mine strongly suggested it to me.

You see blogging allows you, as an individual or as part of a company to share thoughts and ideas with others.  Firstly, it lets others know a little bit more about you as a person and lets people read about the things that are important enough for you to write about. Secondly it strikes a good, bad or indifferent chord with the people who take the time to read it; and thirdly it helps give you exposure on search engines.  Generally, people take the time to read about topics that are of interest to them and will either agree or disagree with the subject matter or simply smile.

So as Alec Baldwin says in Glengarry Glenross, "Go and Do Likewise" and start blogging.

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